Empowering the next generation of lifelong learners with Proof of Education.

Own your own academic achievements while earning rewards with Open Campus ID.

Claim your Open Campus ID today

What is Open Campus ID

Open Campus ID is a Soulbound Token, a non-transferable NFT that are virtual representations of learners' online personas

Open Campus ID is Open Campus' blockchain protocol that issues Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs) in the form of Soulbound Tokens (SBTs), non-transferable NFTs that are virtual representations of learners' online personas. The primary benefit for learners is they have control over what information is associated with their OC IDs. They can decide which pieces of information they want to share and when they want to share them, including their learning profile.

Introducing: Campus Rewards

Dive into a world of possibilities with the Campus Rewards program. It's our way of rewarding EDU holders with exciting rewards and exclusive opportunities when paired with the Open Campus ID.
  • Deposit EDU, Earn OC POINTS

    Your journey begins by depositing your EDU tokens into your Open Campus ID account. The more you deposit, the more OC Points you'll earn to spend on Campus Rewards. Golden Backpacks and Silver Notebooks will give you an additional boost!
  • Unlock Raffle Entries

    As you accumulate OC Points, enter into regular raffle events. Each OC Points is a ticket to potentially win incredible prizes.
Introducing: Campus Rewards

Incredible Prizes Await

  • More $EDU

    By depositing $EDU, you have the opportunity to multiply your $EDU holdings. Not only are you expressing confidence in the future of Open Campus, but you are also giving yourself a shot at winning additional $EDU tokens. This is our way of thanking our loyal community.
  • 1-on-1s with Web3 Industry Leaders

    Exclusive calls with prominent, renowned, figures in the industry to get you more alpha and gain a competitive edge in your Web3 journey. These sessions offer an unparalleled opportunity to delve deeper into the intricacies of the Web3 landscape.
  • Deals to Educational Products

    Get access to discounted offers on courses that cover the hottest topics in the web3 realm. Stay at the forefront of knowledge with courses curated to empower your learning experience.

Here's how you can claim your Open Campus ID

Phase 1

$EDU Token

  • $EDU holders: Hold at least 50 $EDU in your on-chain wallet to be able to mint
  • Genesis NFT: Golden Backpack and Silver Notebook NFT holders, congratulations! You are among the first in line to claim your Open Campus ID!

Phase 2

Holders of other DID protocols

  • Open Campus is fully committed to a self-sovereign future. We will be opening up allow lists for holders of other DID protocols during this phase.

Phase 3

Public Phase

  • At Open Campus, inclusivity is at the core of our mission. While we begin with an allow list, our medium-term goal remains to open the doors wide for everyone.

For learners

Self-sovereign learner identities

Each learner can have their own Open Campus ID that represents their digital identity. They can control and manage their academic certifications, skills, and achievements.

Verifiable credentials

Open Campus IDs can be tied to verifiable credentials from Open Campus Alliance companies

Unlock access to all Open Campus educational content

Learners gain access to special offers and exclusive educational courses available from Open Campus Alliance partners
DID can be used to track and manage personalized learning paths for individuals. Learners can create profiles or learning plans associated with their DIDs, which can be used to tailor educational experiences
  • Open Campus ID whitelisting

  • Launch of Open Campus ID

    (We are here)

  • Campus Rewards Launch

  • Open Campus University

  • Learner Data & Achievements Badges

  • Credentials & Accreditation

Benefits for Institutions

Incentivize your customers with $EDU rewards

Jumpstart Providers' user acquisition with incentives via $EDU to reward learners for creating learner profiles

Distribute products to OC Alliance

Leverage the OC Alliance, a network of forward-thinking EdTech companies to support Providers in their products & offerings

Amplified reach to consumers

Leverage Open Campus' community of over 150k followers

Our Partners

Dozens of education companies have already joined OC Alliance, a consortium committed to adopting Open Campus ID, reaching over 10 million learners around the world
Apply to be a partner
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